Photizo Vetcare Sue Jaycock Photizo Vetcare Sue Jaycock

Team Photizo supporting the 40th and Final Aviemore Sled Dog Rally

Every year since 1984, mushers from the UK have gathered in the forests around Aviemore for the biggest event in the British sled dog racing calendar, The Siberian Husky Club of Great Britain Aviemore Sled Dog Rally January 27th-28th will be the 40th anniversary rally and also the last ever SHCGB Aviemore Rally. Team Photizo have been a proud joint sponsor with CSJ and Leucillin for several years and we’ve had the most incredible experience at this memorable prestigious mushing event in the UK sled dog racing calendar.

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Photizo Vetcare, Case Studies (Animal) Sue Jaycock Photizo Vetcare, Case Studies (Animal) Sue Jaycock

An integrated natural healthcare solution to re-balance Ruby, the Cockapoo

When Liz Turner reached out about Ruby, a 6 year old Cockapoo, she had a few issues, including recurring cystitis. She also had some digestive reflux problems and was quite anxious with respect to sounds. Ruby had begun some ‘fly-catching’ behaviour, (gasping at the air as though catching imaginary flies), which is very distressing.

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