Using Red Light Therapy to Treat Cycling Injuries

Red Light for Cycling Injuries

Cycling injuries are an unfortunate part of most riders’ relationship with their bike. Some people are more prone than others, but most cyclists will find themselves off their bike at some point. Some serious injuries, like breaks and fractures can keep you off your bike for some time, but other, less severe injuries can be treated with light therapy to help get you back in the saddle faster.

Typical injuries and complaints caused by cycling which can be treated using red light therapy include:

  • Shoulder pain

  • Non-chronic lower back pain

  • Saddle sores

  • Wrist, arm, hand and neck pain

  • Knee pain

  • Foot pain

  • Abrasions and cuts


How Photizo Sport will help treat cycling injuries:

  • Red and infrared light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates the body’s own healing mechanisms through both molecular signalling and circulatory modulation, thereby helping to reduce non-chronic or acute pain associated with sports injuries.

  • Red and infrared light penetrates deeper into the body than normal heat treatment, stimulating more red blood cells and enhancing the ability to recover from injuries.

  • Blood flow to tissue is promoted and lymphatic drainage increased, helping to remove waste products. This indirectly inhibits inflammation processes and thus reduces swelling.

  • Once the LED light has increased the cell’s energy production, each cell within the treated area begins producing new cells to replace the cells of the injured tissue.

Cycling injuries and red light

Some of the benefits of using Photizo Sport are:

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Increases circulation

  • Boosts endorphin production

  • Blocks pain transmitting chemicals

  • Eases pain

  • Non-invasive

  • Pain-free

  • Simple to operate

Find out more by clicking the link below.


Ghost’s Story


Using Red Light Therapy to treat injuries in horses participating in endurance racing