BobDog, The Adorable RUFFian
The story of a little furry thief was sent across to us at Photizo HQ. The tale of an adorable pooch, an unlikely suspect…
Meet BobDog, the handsome-yet-cheeky Bearded Collie that has been up to no good lately.
We recieved a brilliant story from Sarah Darling, one of our fabulous brand ambassadors and founder of K9 Gait Massage Therapy about one of her furry clients.
Sarah was working on BobDog’s brother during a session with three pups, when this cheeky boy whipped into action and snuck up behind her to nab her Photizo Vetcare device!
The Vetcare looked in pretty poor shape when Sarah found it
Sarah caught Bobdog red handed, who was using her beloved Photizo as his new chew toy. The evidence was clear, and it seemed that the pooch liked his Photizo a little too much, if the bite marks were anything to go from!
Of course, these devices are extremely sturdy so no harm came to BobDog at all.
But was the life of the Photizo up?
You’d think so, but not at all!
Sarah’s Vetcare was still in perfect working order, the LEDs were undamaged and the button was still working too, all the damage was superficial, it just needed a facelift, so that the device still looked aesthetic for use in front of clients.
“We can rebuild him. We have the technology.”
The rebuild took all but thirty minutes and the Vetcare was back to it’s shiny old self, ready to be shipped back to Sarah so that she can continue her animal therapies! Huzzah!
The moral of this story? Maybe a friendly reminder to keep your Photizos away from chewy RUFFians! (But also, if it does get a bit nibbled, chances are we can fix it up quick and snappy!)
Check out the videos below to see more.
The LED plate was still intact, everything else on the device is fully replaceable.
He did a real number on this barcode!
Photizo Vetcare’s healing power will help to:
Stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is an essential protein used to repair damaged tissue. It is the most common protein found in the body.
Increase circulation almost immediately. By helping to generate an increase in blood flow to the treatment areas the light therapy normalises and heals injured cells. By increasing blood flow more oxygen and nutrients are transported to the affected area, and waste products taken away.
Reduce oedema (swelling). Oedema has two components, liquid and protein. Researchers have shown that the lymph diameter and the flow of the lymph system can be nearly doubled with the use of light therapy.
Stimulate the release of endorphins which are the body’s own pain-fighting