Tips and tutorials
Photizo Pain Relief, Sport, Skincare, Blush and Vetcare
Receiving your new Photizo light therapy unit
When you receive your new Photizo Home Care product, we would highly recommend that you watch this short video. It covers the all of basics, such as how to use the product effectively and how to look after it to ensure it lasts as long possible. Read on for more detailed information. We do have other videos that you may find helpful on our Videos page.
Photizo charger and charging information
Use the correct Photizo branded mains charger
Official Photizo Charger (new style)
Official Photizo Charger (old style)
It is very important to use the correct Photizo branded charger originally supplied with your Photizo Home Care device.
If your Photizo charger gets broken or lost, do not use any charger with a DC jack plug that fits your Photizo. Many chargers have different voltage to the Photizo device. Other types of electrical appliance chargers will not charge the battery properly or could damage the internal circuitry.
You should always purchase a replacement Photizo branded charger from our website.
For more information about the electrical input/output required, please refer to your user manual provided with your Photizo device.
Do not overcharge your Photizo battery
The internal rechargeable batteries are NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) and constant overcharging is likely to reduce the overall life/capacity of your battery. From new, the number of dose cycles expected is approximately 90 minutes of doses whichever device you have, eg. approx 180 x 31 seconds (for vetcare and sport models).
This capacity will diminish over time (just like lithium batteries in mobile phones) but you can help preserve the capacity by unplugging your Photizo device as soon as it is completely charged. For example, the green indicator light on top of your device stops flashing.
It is may also help by making sure you do not charge your Photizo device until it the battery is completely flat.
Remember you can still continue with a treatment session whilst your battery is connected to mains power and charging.
Other useful care tips
Storing your Photizo
Please charge your Photizo at least once every 3 months. If, for any reason, you aren’t using your Photizo and it is left for more than 3 months without charging, this may reduce the life of the battery.
Severe cold temperatures
Severe cold temperatures will reduce the charge in the battery, so we advise you not to keep your Photizo in a vehicle overnight or protect as much as possible from severe cold temperatures when using outside.
Liquid damage
Do not operate or connect to mains power if you suspect water or other liquid is inside your Photizo device.
Operating your device whilst water is inside can cause irreversible damage to your device. Get in touch with our authorised service centre immediately if your Photizo device has been accidentally immersed in water to arrange return and inspection of the damage.
See our Troubleshooting Guide for contact details of the authorised service centre.
Exercise caution with flea and tick topical treatments
We advise not to apply the Photizo device on or close to an area where flea and tick treatments have been applied to your animal’s skin/hair due to the potential corrosive damage to the medical plastic lens. We advise you to refer to the provider of the flea and tick treatment, to check how long the chemical might be expected to remain in the area applied in high concentration before using again on that area.
Keeping your Photizo clean
Using alcohol-based disinfectants may damage the outer casing of your Photizo device over time. We recommend cleaning/spraying your Photizo with an alternative but gentle antiseptic/disinfectant pet-safe product such as the Leucillin Skin Care spray.
Remember to keep the Photizo lens clean, because dirt on the lens will reduce the intensity of the light applied. The Photizo is fairly moisture resistant but using excessive liquid sanitisers may cause condensation buildup inside the lens. Simply ease off the lens and wipe inside with a dry cloth.
Please keep the lens scratch-free but, if extensive scratching occurs over time, replacement lenses can be purchased from us or the authorised service centre.
The lens can be covered in cling film to also protect from cross contamination and when using with open or infected wounds.
The Photizo Protective Pouch can be purchased from our website, as an additional accessory to help keep your Photizo clean and protected while in use. Especially developed for equine application, it is ideal to help protect your device for use in any animal application.
Repairs and servicing
In the unlikely event your Photizo develops a fault either during the warranty period (see Terms and Conditions for details) or afterwards, please refer to our Troubleshooting Guide to check if the problem can be solved easily, before contacting the authorised service centre to arrange return of your device.
Do not return your Photizo device to us, as all repairs and servicing are now handled by Trimbio Ltd in West Sussex.
Trimbio’s services will also include replacing the battery if your battery is no longer holding a reasonable amount of charge, checking the output of the LED diodes and repair of any accidental damage.