Tess, Raffy and Kratu
Raffy is a supermodel
Raffy, the cover model on Dog's Today magazine
He won a Supermodel competition, leading to him becoming a cover model for Dogs Today magazine. He has met many people and won many things – even winning Handsome Male at Pupaid in 2018.
He has met some beautiful celebrities, as he catches the ladies’ eyes including Rula Lenska, Talia Dean, Liz Cundy and many more.
Raffy with Penny Lancaster, Tess and Liz Cundy
Being a large dog with a long back, he tends to get stiffness in his back and finds it hard getting up and down sometimes. Tess used the Photizo on him for three days and saw a significant improvement.
After one week to see him very happy to jump into the back of the car rather than drag himself in made Tess incredibly happy.
She says, “For me, the proof is seeing him so much better – we went out at the weekend and he passed his Kennel Club Gold Good Citizens award.
“Being pain-free he could focus on his tasks and actually enjoyed himself. He is an amazing dog that has overcome a terrible start to life but learnt with kind reward-based training that the world is actually a wonderful place. He is the biggest gentle giant with a huge heart. To see him moving again with ease means the world to me.”
Kratu, a dog who went viral
Kratu became famous when he went viral after an amazing freestyle performance at a rescue dog agility display at Crufts. Over 13 million followers the first time and millions more last year, he has touched the hearts of people worldwide.
There is so much more to Kratu than the clowning around at Crufts though. He has some incredible achievements for a rescue dog from humble beginnings: he has attended European Parliament for a film screening and Portcullis House at Westminster for a special event.
Kratu at the European Parliament
He is the first rescue dog in the world to fly back to Romania with his mum Tess, being on two TV news channels and in the papers, as people were astonished by his story.
After a long day’s filming (he models and does TV/film work too), he always has a Photizo treatment to relieve aching muscles. After travelling to Brussels and the European Parliament he had a session.
For a dog that travels a lot in the car, it is perfect to help relieve any aches after long journeys and especially after holding poses necessary in his modelling career. He loves his treatments!
“Photizo is my go-to tool for maintenance of movement and injury rehabilitation.”
Photo credits: Pupaid Photography courtesy of Julia Claxton Photography. Lip Pip photography, Rob Dumbrell. Cover model photo for Dogs Today courtesy of Penel Malby.