Team Coldfeet Siberian Husky Racing Team
Team Coldfeet has become the joint passion of husband and wife, Kaz and Pete Jones (and their daughter, Hannah). Together they have built a winning reputation in Sled Dog Racing for over 18 years.
Team Coldfeet: Kaz and Pete Jones with two of their huskies
Considered one of the most successful teams in the UK, Team Coldfeet recently won the Silver medal at the European Dryland Sled Dog Championships hosted by IFSS ‘International Federation of Sled Dogs’. Staged in the UK for the first time in Thetford Forest, in Norfolk, over 19 nations competed for the coveted medals and trophies.
Passionate about their breed, Kaz and Pete have embraced the Siberian Husky’s need and love for running. In fulfilling the Husky’s role as the original endurance sled dog, Team Coldfeet is at the peak of its condition: emotionally, mentally and physically.
With several generations of their dogs now competing in other winning teams, Kaz and Pete take enormous pride in their Coldfeet line, which has been bred for its conformation, temperament, and stamina.
The couple are also no strangers to the show ring and, at Crufts, where their Coldfeet Siberian Huskies are frequently placed as being quality dogs within their breed and bred to be fit for purpose as ‘sled’ dogs.
A winter weekend does not go by without Team Coldfeet competing in sprint racing somewhere in the British Isles. Pete currently runs a six-dog class, the maximum number currently taking part in the UK. Whilst Kaz runs a four-dog team and their daughter Hannah ran as a junior champion with two dogs from the age of eight until sixteen.
Kaz getting ready to take part in a competition with her four-dog team
Keeping their now 18-strong team of Huskies in peak condition, Kaz and Pete optimise a holistic approach. Ensuring the best natural diet - and integrating complementary therapies to maximum effect - keeps Team Coldfeet running.
In 2013 Kaz Jones met with Ruth Milner, MD of Danetre Health, the sole UK distributor of Photizo Vetcare. Intrigued by the potential of modern Phototherapy offered by the Photizo device, Kaz immediately decided her Husky team would benefit from regular ‘light therapy’.
Photizo Vetcare boasts a powerful combination of pre-programmed 31-second doses of pulsating red and infra-red LED Phototherapy. It ensures a fast delivery of an effective evidence based dose of light/Phototherapy, which speeds up the natural healing process.
Since incorporating Photizo Vetcare proactively as part of their dogs daily routine, Kaz and Pete Jones are so impressed with how Photizo has helped their dogs, they are now Ambassadors for Photizo® and have encouraged its use across the UK Sled Dog community.
Pete with his six-dog racing team at Aviemore