How Photobiomodulation Helped Zena: A Success Story

At the heart of every home lies a furry friend, and for Zena, a ten-year-old rescued Yorkie, that bond was strong and full of life—until late 2023, when things took a sudden turn. Her family began to notice a severe limp in her right hind leg, so acute that she could hardly bear weight on it. She was hopping around, struggling with even the smallest steps and found it difficult to get up the dog ramp that had always been her access to the raised back garden.

Zena's family, being naturally inclined toward holistic healing, immediately started looking for solutions. “We checked for the obvious seed or pebble within her pad and toes but nothing there, nor was there any external wound,” they explained. After trying homeopathic remedies with no success, they knew it was time to visit the vet.

The diagnosis was a classic case of "wear and tear of her cruciate ligaments." According to the vet, if not treated, Zena could be facing surgery on both of her hind legs. The treatment plan consisted of anti-inflammatory painkillers and strict rest. Her family had to limit her walks, and it became tough to see her left behind while her two dog companions went out for their usual adventures.

Enter Photobiomodulation Therapy

The turning point came in early March when Elizabeth, one of Zena’s caretakers, visited Crufts and discovered Photizo. At the event, she met Ruth at the Photizo stand, who provided pamphlets and detailed information on how Photobiomodulation (PBM), also known as Red Light Therapy, could help animals with joint and mobility issues. They quickly decided to give it a try.

"We used it on Zena the very next day after it had fully charged. She didn’t mind the treatment at all and is now very accustomed to it, relaxing completely, often with an unconcerned yawn,” they shared.

The Road to Recovery

After just two weeks of twice-daily sessions using PBM therapy, the results were already visible. “There was improvement in her mobility, so much so that now, as of late August, she skips along on our walks just as she did earlier in life, with no trace whatsoever of a limp.” Zena’s recovery was so remarkable that her family no longer had to give her any medications, and the once-crippling limp had completely disappeared.

During a follow-up visit to the vet, the family received even more good news: “A return visit to the vet gave the verdict of great improvement.” The vet also suggested extending the therapy to other areas, such as Zena’s lower spine, in addition to her thigh and calf.

Living Proof of the Power of PBM Therapy

Zena’s story is a glowing testament to the effectiveness of Photobiomodulation Therapy. Not only did it help her avoid surgery, but it also restored her quality of life. “We are so glad we discovered Photizo and bought the therapy unit, and will continue to recommend it to anyone who will listen!”

Whether you’re dealing with similar issues in your pet or simply exploring holistic approaches to animal care, Zena’s journey demonstrates that PBM therapy can be a life changing solution. From reducing inflammation to promoting healing, Red Light Therapy offers an effective and non-invasive alternative to traditional treatments.

Zena's journey from struggling to walk to regaining her mobility is just one example of how Photobiomodulation can transform lives—not just for humans, but for our beloved pets as well.

If you'd like to learn more about how PBM therapy can help your pet, click the link below!


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