Red Light Therapy for Surgery Healing 

Surgery, whether minor or major, is a significant event for your body. The process involves physical trauma that requires your body to undergo a healing process. This is where Photobiomodulation (PBM), also known as Red Light Therapy, comes into play. By using specific wavelengths of light, PBM can help to prep your cells for surgery and aid in faster, more effective healing. 


How it Works 

Photobiomodulation is a light therapy using specific wavelengths of Red and Near-Infrared light in appropriate doses to stimulate cellular processes. By penetrating the skin, this light is absorbed by mitochondria, the cell's powerhouse, boosting ATP (energy) production. This increase in cellular energy enhances cell function, reduces inflammation, and promotes faster tissue repair and healing. PBM is effective in preparing cells pre- and post-surgery and aiding in recovery by accelerating wound healing, reducing pain, and minimising swelling and scarring. 


Pre-Surgery Benefits of PBM 

Preparing your body for surgery with red light therapy can enhance your cells' ability to handle the upcoming stress. Here’s how: 

  • Enhanced Cellular Energy: By boosting ATP production, cells are more energetic and resilient, which is crucial when they are about to undergo surgical trauma. 

  • Reduced Inflammation: PBM can reduce inflammation at a cellular level, creating a less reactive environment during surgery. 

  • Improved Circulation: Better blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to tissues, priming them for quicker healing. 

  • Strengthened Immune Response: A stronger immune system can help minimize the risk of infection post-surgery. 


Post-Surgery Benefits of PBM 

Post-operative recovery can be enhanced significantly with PBM. Here's how it aids in the healing process: 

  • Accelerated Wound Healing: Studies have shown that red and near-infrared light can accelerate the healing of wounds by promoting collagen production and enhancing tissue repair. 

  • Pain Reduction: PBM can reduce pain and discomfort associated with surgery. The light therapy helps reduce inflammation and promotes the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. 

  • Reduced Scarring: By promoting more effective tissue repair, PBM can lead to less scar formation. 

  • Minimised Swelling and Bruising: The anti-inflammatory effects of PBM help reduce swelling and bruising, leading to a more comfortable recovery. 


Research on PBM with 633nm and 850nm Wavelengths 

633nm Red Light: This wavelength is particularly effective at penetrating the skin and promoting surface-level healing. Research has shown that 633nm light can significantly enhance wound healing by boosting collagen production and reducing inflammation. 

850nm Near-Infrared Light: Near-infrared light penetrates deeper into the tissues, reaching muscles, nerves, and even bones. Studies indicate that 850nm light is effective in reducing deep-tissue inflammation, promoting faster muscle recovery, and enhancing overall tissue repair. 

Devices like Photizo, which utilise these specific wavelengths, have been instrumental in both clinical and home settings. Users report faster recovery times and reduced pain and discomfort when using these devices pre- and post-surgery. 



Photobiomodulation, with its powerful wavelengths of Red and Near-Infrared light, offers a promising complementary approach to traditional surgical preparation and recovery. By enhancing cellular energy, reducing inflammation, and promoting faster healing, PBM can make the surgical journey smoother and more comfortable. Whether you’re preparing for surgery or looking to speed up your recovery, incorporating red light therapy could be a game-changer in your healing process. 


Disclaimer: PBM is an integrative tool that should not substitute advice given by your healthcare professional. PBM is non-contraindicative with oral medication and can work effectively alongside it. Please see our FAQ for more information. 






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Red Light Therapy and Dog Agility: An Epic Case Study


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