
Horsemanship Showcase 2024
Join us for the 7th annual Horsemanship Showcase.
“The two days are designed to bring the horsemanship community together, for us all to share and understand ideas, over the 2 days we will bring you outstanding Horsemanship education, from the UK’s top trainers, focusing on foundation, problem solving to specialisation and of course – wow & how!”
We will be at this event educating delegates about the integrative power of Photobiomodulation.

ESMA Conference 2024
Join us for this exciting conference held by the Equine Sports Massage Association, including;
2 days of CPD
Industry renowned Prof. Jean-Marie Denoix
Biomechanics & Ultrasound demos
Open to all in the equine industry
Our stall will be available throughout the event, ready to answer all of your Photobiomodulation questions.

Horsemanship Showcase 2020 Online
Horsemanship Showcase is Organised Equestrian’s annual event, designed to bring the community together, to enjoy an action-packed day of outstanding horsemanship, horse and human health, loads of Christmas shopping and more!