Mariann Bayliss, YKC, Team GB Euro Open and WAO Junior/Hoopers British Champion 2019
Having burst onto the junior dog agility scene at an early age, Mariann has excelled in her passion of training and competing with her dogs over the last seven years.
She has represented Team GB at the European Open Juniors in 2017 and has appeared numerous times at Crufts in the Young Kennel Club Agility Dog of the Year finals. She won Young Kennel Club Fundraiser of the Year in 2017 and appeared on Channel 4 in an agility challenge against comedian and Cruft’s presenter Alan Carr.
Mariann and Alan Carr
More recently, she qualified to represent the England team at the World Agility Open in Netherlands 2020.
Alongside her agility achievements, she has branched out into the relatively new canine sport of Hoopers and won the title of Small British Champion at the inaugural competition in 2019.
Having used Photizo on all her dogs over the years, she was already aware of the benefits for muscular pain relief. When diagnosed with Bilateral Chondro Malacia Patella, a condition with no cure, only pain management, she turned to light therapy with Photizo Sport.
This condition is often associated with hypermobility and problems with sprains and overuse injuries.