Chronic Shoulder Injury and Photobiomodulation

by Karen Perry

Elaine Hoeg is 84.. She is the mother of one of my animal therapy customers and always likes to watch me work on horses. She tells me wonderful stories about her life, all the horses she has owned and trained, so much knowledge and a fantastic memory!

Elaine was very ahead of her time, promoting physiotherapy for her horses way before it was main-stream, she totally understood the benefits to her equine athletes in recovery from training and injury prevention.

I use my Photizo device whilst working on the horses, and Elaine asked me if it would help her malfunctioning shoulder. She was cross that she was unable to lift her arm above shoulder height, and the pain would keep her awake at night.

When I questioned her further about the injury, it was revealed that is was quite historic. Elaine had suffered a cross country fall when she was about 35 where the horse had fell at a fence with her. She broke her collarbone, as well as several ribs, and was battered and bruised. The medics were fairly disinterested and told her there was nothing they could do, and it would heal on its own. Elaine carried on with life, aware that it was never the same again. It wasn’t until she was in her 60’s, trying to undo her bra with her left arm twisted behind her back, when there was a loud click, and from then on the pain was quite prominent.

Us horsey folk are not great at seeking medical help, but eventually, after many years in increasing discomfort, Elaine went to hospital and had an x-ray. Arthritis in the shoulder joint was diagnosed. With no arthritis anywhere else in her body, and no family history of arthritis, Elaine felt that if the collarbone injury had been dealt with properly 40 years previously, then this situation could have been avoided.

Various surgical interventions and cortisone injections had been discussed when Elaine inquired about the Photizo. I sold her a Photizo device and within two weeks she contacted me to tell me how much it was helping and now much better she felt! This was around 2017, and Elaine used Photizo everyday as maintenance, and the improvement in the mobility of her shoulder is impressive, and the reduction of pain and inflammation means that she is much more comfortable, especially at night…and surgery has been politely declined!

Elaine’s daughter and son-in-law, Clea and Vere Phillips, run a successful business selling top end performance horses, and Elaine takes a keen interest in the yard and even lunges a few of the horses each week. She also follows her grandsons showjumping career, and accompanies Joss and his mum or dad to shows regularly. Elaine continues to treat herself daily with her Photizo, and never tires of reminding me of how it has transformed her life!

For more information about Photizo Pain Relief visit:


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