Back to All Events The Kennel Club International Agility Festival 2023 Thursday 10 August 2023 09:00 Sunday 13 August 2023 17:00 Rutland Showground, Burley Park Way, Oakham LE15 6US United Kingdom (map) Google Calendar ICS An exciting weekend this will be- the Uk’s largest dog agility show, open to all canines including pedigree, rescues and crossbreeds.Our stall will be available throughout the event, ready to answer all of your photobiomodulation questions.
The Kennel Club International Agility Festival 2023 Thursday 10 August 2023 09:00 Sunday 13 August 2023 17:00 Rutland Showground, Burley Park Way, Oakham LE15 6US United Kingdom (map) Google Calendar ICS An exciting weekend this will be- the Uk’s largest dog agility show, open to all canines including pedigree, rescues and crossbreeds.Our stall will be available throughout the event, ready to answer all of your photobiomodulation questions.